thermogenic foods and fat burners for nutritional diets.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

thermogenic watermelons help with weight loss

Weight Loss: These fruits help you lose weight
Watermelon helps in weight loss

Melons help due to their high water content in weight loss. (Source: Thinkstock by Getty Images)

Fruits not only taste good and help to keep the skin young. You can also help to get rid of excess pounds faster. A U.S. study published in the "Journal of Nutritional Biochemestry" shows that especially watermelons are real fat burner.

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Water content provides satiety
According to the researchers, one should eat a big slice of melon in front of a high-fat meal. Up to 30 percent less you eat by eating the fruit, according to the study. This is due to the large amount of water that fills the stomach and lets us eat less. The fibers of the fruit and also stimulate further saturate the digestion. The positive effects, the researchers also write to the amino acid L-citrulline. This has a regulating effect on cholesterol levels and ensures that the pounds fall better.

Watermelons also contain the ingredient lycopene - an antioxidant that may protect against heart disease.

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Apples curb food cravings
But not only saturate melons. To keep the cravings in check, it also helps to eat an apple. Because the fruit contains valuable fiber that can regulate blood sugar levels and thus stop our hunger.

Red, yellow and green: Energy supplier vegetables
But even with the pounds fall vegetables, whether tomatoes or spinach: Red, yellow and green vegetables in all variations are not groundless touted as a true energy suppliers. In addition to vitamins and minerals that the body needs for normal metabolism, they contain so-called phytochemicals. These are substances that protect the body from harmful influences and can prevent cancer and, among other cardiovascular diseases.

Enzyme controversial theory
Even fruits with a high proportion of enzymes such as pineapple or papaya to help boost the diet. According to experts of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) does not carry the pineapple enzyme bromelain, which is often recommended as a fat burner, but the diet's success. Neither the papain or papaya enzymes of the kiwi. Since enzymes are made of protein, they are in fact split in the stomach and are then no longer effective. Nutritionists are the enzyme theory therefore critically. There is no scientific evidence that enzymes in fruits help you lose weight.

Chili stimulates metabolism
However, chili, Tabasco and Co. metabolism a heat efficient. This effect is known in science as thermogenesis. This means that a portion of the ingested calories will be set free again in the form of heat. In addition: If you are not used to spicy food, arrived less.

Five servings of fruits every day
The current recommendation of the DGE provides for the daily intake of 400 grams of vegetables and 200 to 250 grams of fruit for adults. For practice, the recommendation "5 a day", five servings of fruits and vegetables every day is.

Exercise keeps you young and healthy
Who wants to stay fit and healthy, so it should pick exactly what ends up on your plate. However, part of a healthy lifestyle not only the right food. Plenty of exercise in the fresh air is just as important.


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