thermogenic foods and fat burners for nutritional diets.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

weight loss thermogenic foods for diet lent

Remove as God in France

The eternal torment with the kilos.
Get rid of superfluous pounds each, say nutrition experts. The art is rather to keep the weight low. We have to guide through the jungle diet for you.

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The 23-year-old Brianna was fat. 150 kilograms. Since there is nothing to gloss over. The diet of the French physician Pierre Dukan she has lost over 60 pounds, she proudly reported on the website of Dukan.

Are success stories with the diet it en masse. The physician indicates, five million French people had got rid of their unwanted pounds with his diet. Celebrities like actress Jennifer Lopez has put her curves into shape thanks to Dukan. A fan base has become established. The books of the French people are selling well.

In the beginning of Lent, now is the right Diätweg is probably more in demand. Good thing: after all, every second German is overweight, one in five people so much that he is considered obese. Dr. Dukan is the savior who liberated the world from the obesity epidemic?

Not at all. With a soft sigh explain, but patiently, nutritionists, that one-sided diets should always be regarded critically, that it depends on varied food. And that only diminishes, who also saves calories.

Much protein fills you up, but possibly ill

The Dukan diet is radical, because it relies on extremely protein-rich foods such as lean meat, fish and eggs. In the beginning, there are 60 to 70 percent of the diet of protein, then the share drops slightly because more vegetables, salad and fruit are allowed. He is still well above the scientifically recommended 10 to 20 percent. "The diet may quickly lead to Abspeckerfolgen. But it is very biased and not recommended long term, "the nutritionist Ursel Wahrburg judging from the University of Applied Sciences Muenster. You missed studies that underpin the concept of Dukan.

As the successful long term weight loss
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The idea Dukans and other protein diets: protein saturates better than carbohydrates, and it uses more energy when the body is processed. Basically das. agrees Unlike carbohydrates and protein for body fat is not the primary source of energy, but building materials. And building of body tissues or enzymes the body uses additional energy, called thermogenesis. The theory goes, but still not quite up to, says Ursula Wahrburg. "As soon as the needs of the body is covered in protein building materials, excess protein to normal fuel."

Guide through the jungle diet
Mainly mixed
The sensation factor may lack the diets that rely on a mixed diet and slow weight loss. But they get good grades but experts. Concepts such as "I am from" and "Fit for fun Diet", the Foundation considers Warentest fully recommended, even Ökotest she finds very good. "I take off" is a German of the Nutrition Society developed program. It has not only food in sight, but also takes exercise, relaxation and eating under the microscope. It is designed to last three months, the diet is low in fat. There are no set menus but suggestions and a recipe booklet. On exercise, healthy diet and relaxation is the Fit for fun Diet. Each day approximately 1500 kilocalories are allowed. Saturated and slim making lots of fruits, vegetables, salad, herbs, nuts, grains, healthy fats and fish.
Everything on protein
Whether Max Planck, Mayo, Slim in sleep or Dukan - sometimes these diets rely on a high protein diet. The idea is to make you full and boost fat burning. Tired of making a course of chicken meat, egg and fish determined. The protein-rich diet boosts fat burning, but it is not scientifically proven. Experts advise extreme protein diets on long term because they can lead to health problems. With Slim in his sleep that is less to fear, because this diet is particularly rich in protein for dinner only. Of diets such as Mayo, where meat, dairy products and eggs should be eaten in unlimited amounts, but you should rather stay away.
For experts
Logi, GI, Montignac - these diets, it gets complicated. The concepts are based on the glycemic index (GI) of foods. This indicates how much the blood sugar rises after eating a food. A sharp increase is not desirable because it leads to increased insulin secretion and consequently to food cravings. Because carbohydrates are made of sugar building blocks are to be avoided foods that contain lots of carbohydrates: potatoes, corn and white flour products, for example, let the blood sugar rise sharply. Whole grains are therefore to be preferred. Emphasis on slow carbohydrates, especially a lot of salad and vegetables. In the acceptance phase, the portions are good for saturating protein such as fish, poultry and legumes, and soy to be slightly larger. Important is the absence of bad fats such as palm oil or fat. Preferred are olive, canola and flaxseed oil, butter is allowed in small portions. Should be dispensed with margarine containing partially still harmful trans fats.

Online care
The e-portal balance and have cut xx-well in the comparison of online diets Foundation Warentest best. For online diets that are free of charge, as a rule, it is managed by the application via the Internet. Diet and lifestyle are analyzed, then the user will receive regular menu plans, shopping lists and sports programs. Is regularly checked for online diets, how is the weight, what is the calorie intake and how much the user has moved. The user can also ask questions.
The expert is also convinced that extreme diets la Dukan are not long endure. The shock protein could lead to constipation and is designed for people with preexisting conditions, such as diabetics, critically: "How much protein burden on the kidneys. Physically healthy are able to absorb this for a few weeks or months, people with pre-existing conditions may not be. "

Fat in the liver

The nutrition expert Andreas Pfeiffer of the Charité Berlin and the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Potsdam-Rehbruecke has a similar view. In the European Diogenes study, in which his team was involved, has indeed been shown that high protein diet leads to greater customer impact as a carbohydrate. "The difference, however, holds in check and makes in the end only one to two kilograms," says Pfeiffer.

Profimet published in the 2011 follow-up study, he has also found that even hurt a protein content of 30 percent of health care. Pfeiffer: "The subjects responded less well to the blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin, as is also the case in diabetics, and it gained more fat in the liver.

Whether protein diets are the way to your desired weight, is therefore highly questionable. However, in the 2012 season diet makes with the more contemplative women's magazine Brigitte in protein-hype. Earlier this year she called from the Brigitte diet change. Instead of calorie-reduced balanced diet, spread over three main meals and two snacks will now be strict and everything else.

Henceforth, only three meals a day are allowed, distances between them must be of four hours. Between breakfast and dinner must take at least ten hours. This rule has been derived in part from the Lean Habits Study of Hamburger Food psychologist Joachim Westenhöfer.

And there is more protein and less carbs. Fatburn kick the hot dishes that are 20 percent more protein than usual have. Curiously, the diet developers rely on the findings of the Diogenes study, in which Andreas Pfeiffer was involved. But who says: "There is no fat burner." Fat be burned whenever the body gets less food energy than they need. Opportunity to warn the Brigitte diet change to see, however, neither Pfeiffer nor Wahrburg. Finally, the majority of the recipes is balanced, and there are plenty of vegetables and whole grains.

Ten common nutritional errors
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Basically, the art of losing weight quickly is outlined: it is to save calories to bring the body into energy deficit. And the saving should be such that it suffers as little hungry. Only then is the ordeal to endure.

Ursel Wahrburg it is also important to convert the food into the diet phase, as it should be permanent: diverse and mixed with lots of vegetables and fruit, and low energy density - in other words with low-calorie foods. Nutritionists Pfeiffer sees the liberal diet phase. He does not even have anything against crash diets. His motto: "The main thing you lose, no matter what."

No way back

But how do you keep that weight on top? For experts, this question is much more important than sophisticated diet plans. "Losing weight can be any. But 80 percent of people taking to the diet again, "says Pfeiffer. This has to do mainly with the fact that people return to their old eating habits. "Who on a diet as much as eating in front of it increases again," says Pfeiffer. The calculation is simple: The basal metabolic rate of the body depends on the weight. Those who lose ten kilograms takes correspondingly less food energy.

Inevitably on the way to goal weight, therefore, is to incorporate movement into everyday life. And while plenty. "Each week you should either run 150 minutes endurance exercise, including brisk walking, is one intense sport or run 75 minutes, then jogging for example," advises Andrew Pfeiffer.

In addition, ideally, ten minutes of strength training a day. It may also be pushups and other calisthenics on the living room carpet. "If everybody would stick to it," says Pfeiffer, "The effect on health would be enormous."

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